
The Druid Class – Articles highlighting and analyzing the Druid class for player characters in D&D 5e. Feats, multiclassing, subclass advice, and more.

Druid without Metal

Why Druids Don’t Wear Metal Armor: D&D 5e Lore

Iron, a vital component in both life-giving blood and life-ending swords, has played an intriguing role in folklore, which has carried over to tabletop roleplaying games. From ferrous daggers to monsters like the Iron Golem, this material has at least one fascinating mechanic in Dungeons and Dragons.

Masochist Fire Dancer: D&D 5e Bizarre Builds

I realized a bizarre combo can be achieved by immolating oneself with Alchemist’s Fire then using Absorb Elements to resist the damage and empower melee attacks with fire. I’ve identified several class concepts that could feasibly pull off this strange self-immolation tactic, so check out my findings!


Herbalism in a Nutshell: D&D 5e Herbalist Resource

Herbalism in your Dungeons and Dragons campaign has more uses than ever before. Not only can you create poultices, teas, ointments, elixirs, and balms, but a special organic material may be necessary for imbuing an item with magical properties.

druid among rocks

Favorite Underutilized Druid Spells: Levels 7 through 9

In the previous two parts, we’ve looked at Druid spells that give advantage to your team’s attack, protect your team from assailants, and even a spell that brings a character back from the dead. In this final section, we’ll look at…

How to Play a Ninja Monkey: Druid/Monk Multiclass Concept for D&D 5e

Learn to play a Druid Monk Monkey Ninja in D&D 5e. Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that add gold to our coffers. When a druidic protector of the jungle utilizes the self-perfecting tenets of a monk, a martial artist that can transform into wild beasts is born. Adopting a crime-fighting name is encouraged for …

How to Play a Ninja Monkey: Druid/Monk Multiclass Concept for D&D 5e Read More »

Druid Spells

Favorite Underutilized Druid Spells: Levels 1 through 3

As a player, throwing that death-dealing Flame Arrow that pierces the Lich King’s soul is all that we aspire to do in Dungeons and Dragons, right? There’s no better feeling than being the hero of heroes…

Anime Character Roleplaying

How Roleplaying an Anime-Style D&D Character Taught Me to Make Big Character Choices

“Adventuring fantasy dweebs” by dianthus-alpinus, CC Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License Have you ever played a Dungeons and Dragons campaign where each character was the same blah carbon copy of each other—everyone tried to be the serious protagonist with the perfect one-line zinger before chopping off the big bad boss’ head? From a storytelling standpoint, …

How Roleplaying an Anime-Style D&D Character Taught Me to Make Big Character Choices Read More »