D&D 5e Cleric multiclassing featured image is by WotC in Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica with added background color.
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Welcome to Flutes’ exhaustive guide for Cleric multiclassing character builds. Multiclassing is daunting for new players, but rewarding for experienced players. Many classes benefit more from multiclassing than from investing twenty levels in a single class. Aside from optimization, multiclassing allows you to bring unique characters to life with outside-the-box specialties. Multiclassing can be useful for roleplaying as well, so it’s not merely for min-max-style players.
My Multiclassing Terminology
- Core Class: The main/primary class for a character. The core class usually holds the majority of a character’s level investment.
- Secondary Class: The class that is supplemental to the core class. For example, a tenth-level Fighter might multiclass into a secondary class of Cleric for two levels.
- Dipping: Multiclassing very few levels into a secondary class.
- Green Highlighting: Spells granted by a subclass/domain that would normally be unavailable to a Cleric (not on the Cleric spell list).
- Twinning/Twincasting: Allowing a spell to target multiple targets when it would normally target one.
I’m analyzing the Cleric class as both core and secondary within a multiclass build. Clerics are uniquely suited for multiclass dips because they begin benefiting from their domain features immediately at level one. Cleric spells are prepared, not learned, meaning they access all Cleric spells at the affixed levels to gain them; this means dipping levels in Cleric will immediately expand your low-level spell list. Their Channel Divinity feature also comes at level two, so each level dip yields a new utility that is unique to the Cleric’s Domain.
You may be interested in our multiclassing combinations article that goes through each class and the basic principles around multiclassing with them.
Cleric Multiclassing Quicklinks by Domain (Subclass)
— General Notes on Cleric Multiclassing
— Arcana Domain
— Death Domain
— Forge Domain
— Grave Domain
— Knowledge Domain
— Life Domain
— Light Domain
— Nature Domain
— Order Domain
— Peace Domain
— Tempest Domain
— Trickery Domain
— Twilight Domain
— War Domain
General Notes on Cleric Multiclassing
Don’t forget that multiclassing requires minimum ability scores in both new and prior classes (as described on page 163 of the PHB, or page 54 of Eberron RftLW for Artificers). For example, if you are a Cleric multiclassing as a Rogue, you’ll need a Wisdom score of 13 or higher, and a Dexterity score of 13 or higher.

Class Ability Score Minimums:
- Artificer – Intelligence 13
- Barbarian – Strength 13
- Bard – Charisma 13
- Cleric – Wisdom 13
- Druid – Wisdom 13
- Fighter – Strength 13 or Dexterity 13
- Monk – Dexterity 13 and Wisdom 13
- Paladin – Strength 13 and Charisma 13
- Ranger – Dexterity 13 and Wisdom 13
- Rogue – Dexterity 13
- Sorcerer – Charisma 13
- Warlock – Charisma 13
- Wizard – Intelligence 13
Classes that use common ability scores will multiclass together with game-mechanical simplicity. Clerics and Druids are easy to multiclass together because they both use Wisdom as their common spellcasting ability score. Clerics can invest in Wisdom to improve their spellcasting. They can use Dexterity or Strength to wear medium or heavy armor (depending on the Cleric domain’s armor proficiency). Additionally, domains like War and Death receive martial weapon proficiency.
Clerics explicitly receive bonus proficiencies as level-one domain features, creating immediate value with multiclass dips. Other classes are limited to the Multiclassing Proficiencies table on page 164 of the PHB (or page 54 of Eberron RftLW for Artificers). Even before domain features, Cleric multiclassing as a secondary class affords light armor, medium armor, and shield proficiencies. Because of the domain proficiencies, Cleric is the only class that can get you heavy armor proficiency at level one as a secondary class. This is one reason the Cleric is one of the best secondary multiclass options in the game.
Clerics are full spellcasters, so multiclassing with them won’t hinder spell slot progression; multiclassing with a full spellcaster may even speed up spell slot progression for some of the partial spellcasters.
How to Roleplay When Your Cleric Multiclasses
Not all level-twenty abilities are worth getting; for example, Rangers have a poor level-twenty class feature, so they gain more from multiclassing. Other classes like Druid and Fighter have excellent level-twenty abilities, so I typically shy away from recommending multiclass if they’re a character’s core class. The exception would be if I have a fun concept or I want to focus on lower levels of play; after all, most campaigns end by level ten. Several of my recommendations are thematically cool or unusually unique to D&D.
Roleplaying a Cleric multiclassing is probably one of the most straightforward of all the classes. Your devotion to a god has made you a candidate for a great quest; your god has a grand quest for you. Get creative with narrating how a Wizard might suddenly gain armor proficiencies from dipping into Cleric multiclassing levels. This could signal that your Wizard had been training to use armor, and a divine vision provided the strength and experience necessary for the character to master what they’ve been training for. It’s really up to you, but roleplaying sudden skill acquisitions is not so difficult, especially assuming your character has been spending downtime to work towards training and learning.
Building up to Your Multiclassing with Cleric
Most players don’t foreshadow or roleplay their core class features anyway, so why should it be so difficult to justify what you gain from multiclassing? Just because you’re not sticking with a single class doesn’t mean you should feel more excessively burdened than other characters to narrate your character’s progress. You could treat the multiclassing as a mere mechanical change. You don’t have to suddenly tell people that you’re two classes. Pretend your core class has something different about it that is justified by multiclassing.
I’ll now go through every Cleric subclass/domain, summarizing what it offers and what recommendations I have for multiclassing. While I put hours of thought into my recommendations, I do not claim that they are the pinnacle of multiclassing combinations. Allow my recommendations to inspire your own multiclassing creativity. Having said that, all my recommendations are viable and fun for the right players.
Arcana Domain (SCAG)

Bonus proficiencies: Arcana skill.
Bonus cantrips: Two from the Wizard spell list.
Domain spells by level:
- Detect Magic, Magic Missile
- Magic Weapon, Nystul’s Magic Aura
- Dispel Magic, Magic Circle
- Arcane Eye, Leomund’s Secret Chest
- Planar Binding, Teleportation Circle
Summary of domain features: Turn/banish otherworldly creatures, healing includes dispel, radiant damage bonus to Cleric cantrips, learn high-level spells from Wizard spell list that become domain spells.
Notes: Strong subclass with cool synergies, especially for gaining cantrips that deal damage with the Wisdom spellcasting modifier.
Arcana Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Thief Rogue (19) / Arcana Cleric (1)
Thief Rogues enjoy getting close to enemies to use Fast Hands. One fun trick is to use Fast Hands to throw oil at an enemy as an improvised weapon, and oil will cause them to take +5 damage from fire damage. With the Arcana Cleric, you can learn Green-Flame Blade as a cantrip to trigger the fire damage on the same turn. Alternatively, you could be a High Elf for your race to gain the cantrip, but Arcana will do well for you otherwise. You’ll also gain medium armor and shield proficiencies, and Cleric spellcasting.
Arcane Trickster Rogue (19) / Arcana Cleric (1)
Gain proficiency in medium armor and shields. At level one, the Arcana Cleric chooses two Wizard cantrips that become Cleric spells for the character; I recommend choosing one or both of Booming Blade and Green-flame Blade. Since Rogues only need to make one attack per round, they can instead cast either of the melee cantrips to deal extra damage in addition to Sneak Attack damage.
Booming Blade is the better choice because you can use it to attack a creature, and then disengage as a bonus action to move away from the creature; that creature will decide whether to pursue you and take the additional Booming Blade damage or stay put. Your character will also gain proficiency with medium armor and shields. Rogues don’t need to use two-handed weapons, so they can use a shield to boost their Armor Class.
Arcana Cleric (18) / Paladin (2)
The Paladin class can lend a few tricks that are relevant to the Arcana Cleric. At first level, Paladins gain Lay on Hands that can be used to heal or cleanse harmful effects. They also gain Divine Sense to enable the Arcana Cleric’s Channel Divinity: Arcane Abjuration to cast out otherworldly foes after they’re identified. I recommend you begin at level one as a Paladin to gain the extra armor and weapon proficiencies, plus extra hitpoints. A Fighting Style at level two is also nice, but Divine Smite is the real catch.
Your Cleric multiclassing spell slots will be far more plentiful than a Paladin’s spell slots, allowing you to smite more often. Just make sure you have the Strength and Charisma scores to enable this multiclass combination. Reaching level 19 will allow the Arcana Cleric to choose from a spell from levels 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the Wizard spell list, and learn them as Arcana Domain spells. This spell usually sucks, but I’d consider trying Tenser’s Transformation with this character since you could Divine Smite while under the spell’s effect (it prevents spellcasting). I’d like to see that spell be useful, and this character might just be the one to do it.
Death Domain (DMG)

Bonus proficiencies: Martial weapons
Bonus cantrips: One necromancy cantrip from any spell list.
Domain spells by level:
- False Life, Ray of Sickness
- Blind/Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement
- Animate Dead, Vampiric Touch
- Blight, Death Ward
- Antilife Shell, Cloudkill
Summary of domain features: Twinned casting of necromancy cantrips at adjacent targets, limited necrotic damage boost to melee attacks, necrotic damage ignores resistance, necrotic damage boost to weapon attacks, twinned casting of necromancy spells of levels 1-5.
Notes: Necromancers are a popular character concept. It uniquely gains martial weapon proficiency as a slight benefit. Domain spells are mostly weak.
Death Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Death Cleric (18) / Necromancy Wizard (2)
“Your soul is mine!” This is the only option for Death Cleric that I can strongly recommend. The school of necromancy has a theme that obviously aligns with the Death Domain. Beyond theme, there is a mechanical benefit to a Wizard twinning necromancy cantrips. While Wizards of Necromancy possess features that aim toward an undead army, the Death Domain looks more like a reaper of souls, wielding powerful necromantic magic to drain the life from foes. We actually have an entire article about different builds for necromancers in D&D 5e. This necromancer brand will definitely want the 17th-level Death Domain ability to twincast targeted necromancy spells up to 5th level.
Death Clerics can afford to invest two levels in Wizard to gain the Grim Harvest subclass ability. Since both classes are full casters, spell slot progression won’t be hindered, and the Cleric will have access to its 9th-level spells. The character will have martial weapon proficiency to allow diverse magic weapons to be attuned. Those weapons can be used in combination with Wizards cantrips like Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade to deal impressive damage.
Empowering martial melee attacks with cantrips while twincasting ranged necromancy cantrips, this character has multiple fighting styles to adapt to diverse combat encounters. Unfortunately, you’ll need to invest in Intelligence to get a score of 13, so you can make this multiclass happen. Still, it makes sense mechanically and thematically if you want to reap mortal souls to sustain yourself.
Death Cleric (14) / Hexblade Warlock (6)
There aren’t many feasible multiclass options for the Death Domain (others do it better), but this combination is ok if it fits your flavor. Better options exist for this concept, but if you want access to Cleric spells like Spirit Guardians in addition to melee attacks that are based on the quantity of damage on a single attack rather than spread-out damage with multiple attacks, this combination is ok.
You’ll get Warlock invocations and several smiting spells from the Hexblade Warlock. Accursed Specter is a thematically relevant ability even if it’s not relatively powerful You can also consider sticking to one-to-three levels of Warlock instead of six if you want to not trade out high-level Cleric spells and spell slots. This combination will enable you to really stack up damage for heavy-handed melee strikes. The Death Domain’s damage bonuses can be significant for striking down threatening foes while still concentrating on other spells.
Lesser multiclass options for Death Domain
The Death Domain is designed as a core class. Its most useful abilities are circumstantial, and they come at higher levels far beyond level three. The low-level ability to target two creatures with a necromancy cantrip can be useful even if it’s limited to targets that are adjacent to one another. Necromancy cantrips are Chill Touch, Spare the Dying, and Toll the Dead. The Channel Divinity ability to empower a melee attack with bonus necrotic damage based on Cleric level is pretty weak, especially if Cleric is your secondary class.
The domain’s feature that could be useful as a secondary class is the proficiency with martial weapons, but then you might as well choose another domain like War. The bonus necromancy cantrip is also nice, especially since it’s occasionally useful for twinning at adjacent enemies (but don’t count on it). Don’t forget Spare the Dying could also be twinned if you have two dying allies adjacent to one another.
Macro Multiclass Concepts for Death Clerics
Bards and Druids: Core classes that could use Death Domain Cleric as a secondary class include Druids and Bards that want to use martial weapons. Bards already have the College of Valor if they want to gain medium armor and martial weapon proficiencies, but if they want to choose a different bardic college subclass, one level of Death Cleric may be useful for them. Those Bards will need a Wisdom score of 13 or higher though. Druids don’t typically rely on weapons to attack, so there’s not much going on there; however, Druids might have fun with necromancy cantrips since they use Wisdom as a mutual spellcasting ability. It might be fun to play a Druid that uses themes of blight and rot.
Sorcerers: Investing in a Charisma score of 13 will allow you to take three levels of Sorcerer to gain Metamagic options. I recommend Empowered Spell for improving your necromantic damage output, Heightened Spell to achieve full spell effects without successful saving throws, Twinned Spell to allow more options for twincasting, and Distant Spell to enable ranged usage of Spare the Dying (which can be twinned). I caution you on this idea since you’ll only have 3 Sorcery Points to use these with, so they’d be applied sparingly when it matters most.
Forge Domain (XGtE)

Bonus proficiencies: Heavy armor, smith’s tools.
Bonus cantrips: NA.
Domain spells by level:
- Identify, Searing Smite
- Heat Metal, Magic Weapon
- Elemental Weapon, Protection from Energy
- Fabricate, Wall of Fire
- Animate Objects, Creation
Summary of domain features: Imbue +1 bonuses to weapons and armor, use magic to forge mundane equipment and objects, fire resistance/immunity, heavy armor AC bonus, bonus fire damage to weapon attacks, heavy armor resistance to mundane attack damage.
Notes: Great for elemental themes while adding survivability with heavy armor. It’s always fun to get tool proficiency.
Forge Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Any Wizard (19) / Forge Cleric (1)
Many players find the Wizard’s level 20 ability to be underwhelming, so you might as well take a level in Cleric early on to gain bonus armor and tool proficiencies and a Domain ability to imbue weapons and armor with +1 bonuses magically. All Wizards can benefit from armor proficiencies, especially if they’re willing to invest in Strength 13+ and Wisdom 13. Having armor will negate the Mage Armor spell’s need, allowing Wizards to choose other spells and save a 1st-level spell slot. Heavy and medium armors have higher AC anyway. I even recommend starting the game as a Forge Cleric to get higher hitpoints and better proficiency options. The only Wizard subclass that probably won’t benefit from this combination is the Bladesinger.
Transmutation Wizard (14) / Forge Cleric (6)
I know I said all Wizards (sans Bladesinger) could benefit from a secondary class investment with the Forge Cleric, but Transmutation Wizards get a special mention. Choose a race with resistance to some damage, then gain more damage resistances from the Forge Cleric (fire) and the Transmuter’s Stone (elemental damage). It’s just a cool way to gain elemental damage resistances. Other subclasses can gain resistance to damage, but I like this combination because core and secondary classes are themed around creation and alteration. The proficiency in Smith’s Tools will help with the Fabrication spell too. Tool proficiencies allow for intricate creations when casting Fabricate.
Battle Master Fighter (6) / Forge Cleric (14)
This defensive juggernaut can utilize the Fighter’s early levels to become a truly powerful member of a party. You’ll have fire resistance, too (and perhaps another resistance based on your lineage). Your AC can land well above twenty, and you can Action Surge in a pinch for two spells on your turn. Battle Maneuvers will enable you to goad enemies and protect your allies. Due to the Fighter’s feat progression, you won’t be sacrificing ASIs for this concept! Besides mechanics, I love the idea of a Forge Cleric making the most of its own smithing tools and features to join the fray as a Fighter.
Grave Domain (XGtE)

Bonus proficiencies: NA.
Bonus cantrips: Spare the Dying.
Domain spells by level:
- Bane, False Life
- Gentle Repose, Ray of Enfeeblement
- Revivify, Vampiric Touch
- Blight, Death Ward
- Antilife Shell, Raise Dead
Summary of domain features: Max dice healing to creatures with zero hitpoints, ranged Spare the Dying cantrip, detect undead, curse a creature with vulnerability to an instance of damage, normalize enemy critical hits, bonus radiant damage to Cleric cantrips, heal allies when enemies die.
Notes: Not the best utility gains, but a cool Channel Divinity.
Grave Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Assassin Rogue (18) / Grave Cleric (2)
One of the first articles I ever wrote was about this combination, an Assassin of the Grave. Assassins can deal massive damage to unsuspecting victims, and the Grave Domain’s Channel Divinity can make a victim vulnerable to damage. This combo really shines at 19th level, but it is still relevant at low levels. Once you get three levels as a Rogue, immediately get your two levels in Cleric. You’ll be able to deal massive damage to singular surprised foes if you play your cards well. At 20th level, you’ll be able to deal 100-516 damage with a single attack. You can even accomplish it in a single round with the help of a Purple Dragon Knight Fighter, but nobody plays those anyway.
Scout Rogue (18) / Grave Cleric (2)
You are adept at setting up ambushes while divinely appointing a target to die mere moments before your ally strikes a devastating blow. This concept is similar to the previous concept (Assassin of the Grave) except it focuses on setting up your allies to deal devastating damage. The Scout Rogue is an excellent subclass that I highly recommend, and this is a cool way to create team synergy. Ambush Master and Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave won’t likely be used together, but they’re both fine options for setting up allies to succeed. The Scout is also an overall better subclass than the Assassin.
Knowledge Domain (PHB)

Bonus proficiencies: Two languages, proficiency in two skills that use double your proficiency bonus (choice of Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion).
Bonus cantrips: NA.
Domain spells by level:
- Command, Identify
- Augury, Suggestion
- Nondetection, Speak with Dead
- Arcane Eye, Confusion
- Legend Lore, Scrying
Summary of domain features: Temporary proficiency in skill or tool, read minds and cast the Suggestion spell, bonus radiant damage to Cleric cantrips, receive visions of history and knowledge regarding an object or area.
Notes: Surprisingly versatile subclass with top-tier proficiency gains with doubled proficiency bonus and heavy armor proficiency.
Knowledge Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Knowledge Cleric (18) / Divination Wizard (2)
To me, this is the most mystical multiclass when it comes to divination magic. The Knowledge Cleric can effectively call on the gods to grant them knowledge, even peering into the past, the mind, and the heart. Divination Wizards can even foresee events in the form of d20 rolls. It’s just a solid concept that sounds fun to play. I used this combination for a one-shot that heavily involved investigation; the adventure was a mystery that went beyond the one session it was meant to. The group didn’t finish the one-shot, but I enjoyed my character concept nonetheless.
Transmutation Wizard (18) / Knowledge Cleric (2)
Fabrication time! I like this combination for one reason: you can use Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages to become proficient in any tool for ten minutes; while proficient in the tool of your choice, create something amazing with that tool using the Fabricate spell. Sure, the Fabricate spell has a casting time of ten minutes, so technically, you’ll be 6 seconds short, but I say that’s good enough. I chose Transmutation as the Wizard school, but any school will do.
Other than this Fabricate maneuver, the Wizard will gain other proficiencies that use double their proficiency bonus, medium armor, and shields. If you want to create works of art or complicated machines with the Fabricate spell, you might also consider getting levels in Rogue so you can gain Expertise in Investigation (find a buyer) and Persuasion (get the best price) skill checks. Gotta close the deal!
Eloquence Bard (6) / Scout Rogue (6) / Artificer (6) / Knowledge Cleric (2)
This character is a know-it-all, sporting plenty of skill proficiencies, heaps of Expertise, and a Channel Divinity to instantly gain proficiency in something they’re not already skilled with. Each class is granting proficiencies plus proficiency doubling, and some of the classes even provide bonus proficiencies according to the multiclassing proficiencies table.
The Artificer’s Tool Expertise ability will double your proficiency for any tool you are proficient with, such as tool proficiencies you’ve temporarily gained from your Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages feature. The Artificer also has The Right Tools for the Job feature, so you can create the tools you need. Few people would actually want to play this character, but it’s a fun concept exercise to see just how skilled a character can be with skill checks and artisan tools.
Alchemist Artificer (18) / Knowledge Cleric (2)
You’re a genius who hides how much they look to higher powers for temporary knowledge. You can summon knowledge of any tool to gain proficiency for a while! That’s about it. This is a skill/tool-monk build.
Artificer (18) / Knowledge Cleric (2)
This character could just go for full Artificer level 20, but instead, they want to have tool proficiencies on command and with double proficiency bonuses. As mentioned before, we use Channel Divinity and a few Artificer features to gain tool proficiency, double the proficiency bonus for those tools, and create those tools on the spot. With this many levels in Artificer, this character can cast Fabricate. By gaining proficiency with any tool, this Artificer can cast Fabricate to create complicated objects that would wow the masses.
Life Domain (PHB)

Bonus proficiencies: Heavy armor.
Bonus cantrips: NA.
Domain spells by level:
- Bless, Cure Wounds
- Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon
- Beacon of Hope, Revivify
- Death Ward, Guardian of Faith
- Mass Cure Wounds, Raise Dead
Summary of domain features: Heal more, heal in an area, heal yourself while healing others, gain bonus radiant damage to weapon attacks, maximum dice rolls for healing with spells.
Notes: Strong core subclass on its own, but lends well as a secondary class as well because of heavy armor proficiency and simple healing benefits.
Life Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Life Cleric (17) / Circle of the Shepherd Druid (3)
The prestigious Life Clerics have interesting interactions with spells like Goodberry and Healing Spirit. The Disciple of Life feature transforms a Goodberry into a healing value of 4 instead of 1, giving the spell 4x healing value. That’s 40 total healing instead of 10, and the spell can be cast multiple times. Goodberry is only a 1st-level spell, so you can use it often. If you upcast Goodberry, Disciple of Life will amplify the healing by 1 per spell level. Remember Jeremy Crawford explained that the intent of the Goodberry spell is that a character can only eat one berry per action.
Healing Spirit can also heal additional hitpoints per healing instance. If you didn’t already know, Healing Spirit was nerfed in a recent rules errata for XGtE: The following text has been appended to the second paragraph: “The spirit can heal a number of times equal to 1 + your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of twice). After healing that number of times, the spirit disappears.” But Healing Spirit is still an excellent spell, especially when paired with Disciple of Life. Of all the druidic circles, I recommend Circle of the Shepherd because its level-two ability is versatile and strong for a support spellcaster. I recommend three levels in the Druid class to get Healing Spirit.
Divine Soul Sorcerer (19) / Life Cleric (1)
Enliven your Divine Soul Sorcerer with the Life Cleric’s bonus healing for spells. Protect your Sorcerer with heavy armor that would normally be inaccessible. You’ll also avoid wasting Sorcerer spells learned on low-level healing spells like Cure Wounds and Healing Word because you’ll learn them all with your Cleric multiclass dip. This is a simple combo that amplifies what is best about the Divine Soul Sorcerer.
Eloquence Bard (19) / Life Cleric (1)
Another combo that gets your heavy armor while amplifying healing spells here and there. The Eloquence Bard is very powerful as a support role, and the Life Cleric’s armor and healing bonuses can only help. Spellcasting will also be simplified since the Bard will gain spells like Healing Word through the Cleric multiclass, freeing up other spell choices from the Bard spell list. Any bard could benefit from this combination, but the Eloquence Bard stands out for the recommendation.
Life Cleric (1) / Alchemist Artificer (19)
This Alchemist is a healer. One level of Life Cleric gives Bonus Proficiency for heavy armor, first-level Cleric spells and cantrips, and a boost to healing spells with Disciple of Life. This will stack with the Alchemist’s Alchemical Savant feature. The flat bonus to a healing spell will be at least +8 if your Intelligence is 20. It’s not a crazy combo or the best healer in the game, but it’s a boost to your Alchemist if you want to focus on healing and defense. The Cleric spell list is excellent and will prove useful without requiring more than a thirteen in Wisdom for multiclassing requirements.
Since Disciple of Life stacks with Goodberry, consider taking one level of Druid. I’d only consider this if the DM would allow me to still use metal heavy armor (Druids aren’t supposed to). I like the heavy armor defensive boost from the one level of Cleric, so I don’t want to sacrifice that. Goodberry is really good, though. Druid spells will be helpful if you go this route.
Beast Master Ranger (5) / Life Cleric (15)
You can be like Mowgli and Baloo eating Goodberries with extra spice (healing). Five levels of Ranger isn’t required, but it’ll get you Extra Attack and a stronger beast companion. You could also deviate from Life Cleric if you want other levels in something like Paladin to gain smiting, but I recommend focusing on crossbow attacks.
Drakewarden Ranger (16) / Life Cleric (4)
Life Cleric is a great companion to any Ranger since it multiplies Goodberry’s healing potential (make sure your DM doesn’t think this is banned cheese). You can grab one level of Cleric in the early phases of the game, and take three more levels when you think you’re done taking Ranger levels. The extra Cleric levels will accelerate your spell slot progressions while expanding your spells options and netting you a feat.
You might choose to take more levels in Ranger if the feats don’t tempt you. After all, your drake becomes stronger as you take levels in Ranger. You might choose a race/lineage for your character that makes you small-sized so your drake can be your mount when it grows to medium size at level seven.
If you become incapacitated, your drake may be able to feed you a Goodberry if your DM allows it. This is because the drake’s rules say it can take actions other than Dodge when you become incapacitated. Incapacitation can occur from other effects like the Sleep spell, so your drake can help stir you from that dilemma.
Gloom Stalker Ranger (13) / Battle Master Fighter (3) / Life Cleric (3)
You become a sniper who disappears into the shadows. You have excellent survivability and utility through your features and spells. There is a write-up for this build on the Form of Dread – D&D Tactics blog. It’s very clear, and it showcases the potency of the Gloom Stalker. Check out the DPR graph at the bottom. You’ll want to check with your DM about how summoning spells will function for you.
Life Cleric (6) / Circle of Stars Druid (14)
Cosmic energy fuels your healing magic. You are a guide to those with epic destinies to keep them alive, including yourself. Describe your healing spells like shooting stars that invoke brief manifestations of constellations in your allies’ forms.
You’ll be healing others while healing yourself. Your Goodberries will be empowered with extra healing, too. Eventually, you’ll have resistance to normal attack damage types, allowing your effective self-healing to be more effective.
Life Cleric (6) / Wildfire Druid (14)
“Destruction is sometimes the precursor of creation,” says Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. Fire can heal or harm. It cauterizes and cleanses as it also incinerates and removes. You are the forest fire that brings new life in years to come. Many humans are shortsighted, but your prudence allows you to see the beauty in destruction. Some would call you an optimist, but to you, you’re a realist.
You’ll be healing others while healing yourself. Your Goodberries will be empowered with extra healing, too. Your Wildfire Spirit will empower your healing spells or intensify your fire spells. Wildfire Spirit can teleport allies to get them out of harm’s way if your healing won’t be enough in a pinch.
Light Domain (PHB)

Bonus proficiencies: NA.
Bonus cantrips: Light.
Domain spells by level:
- Burning Hands, Faerie Fire
- Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray
- Daylight, Fireball
- Guardian of Faith, Wall of Fire
- Flame Strike, Scrying
Summary of domain features: React to impose disadvantage on enemy attacks, deal radiant damage in an area, gain bonus radiant damage to Cleric cantrips, emit an aura of sunlight to impose disadvantage against spells with fire or radiant damage.
Notes: Possesses a thematic cool factor and is useful for characters who want to vaporize enemies.
Light Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Light Cleric (18) / Paladin (2)
Another combo tailored to smiting as a Cleric, but this one makes thematic sense as you burn up your foes in a flash of light as you strike them down with your weapon. Begin as a Paladin at levels one and two to get extra hit points and armor/weapon proficiencies, then switch to Cleric to become a figurative walking pillar of fire in the hands of your lord, bringing exactly hot justice on the unrighteous! I am normally disinterested in Light Clerics, but it sounds really fun to smite people with the Light Cleric’s theme.
Light Cleric (13) / Sun Soul Monk (7)
“Light em up!” First of all, I do believe the Sun Soul Monk subclass is hot trash, but that shortcoming is partially overcome by the thematic interest I have in this combination. With seven levels of Sun Soul Monk, you get the usual Monk abilities plus some light attacks and a bonus action Burning Hands like you’re some kind of fire bender. Both classes can use Dexterity and Wisdom, so you won’t need to sacrifice defense for offense or vice versa.
You’ll have ranged and melee options, and a variety of ways to utilize your bonus actions and reactions. This is the first combination that made me want to try a Sun Soul Monk, so it has that appeal going for it.
Illusionist Wizard (15) / Light Cleric (5)
This one is not optimal due to the division of Wisdom and Intelligence stats required to use each class’s spells effectively, but I like the thought of it because light and illusion meld together. What is an illusion if not light playing tricks on your eyes? I love the idea of playing as a light bender.
This character uses light to incinerate and mislead. Fourteen levels of Illusionist Wizard will allow illusory objects to gain temporary form (one of the best abilities in the game), and the fifteenth level will allow for 8th-level Wizard spells. Five levels of Light Cleric gets you several fire spells, including Fireball. As I said, it’s not optimal, but manipulating light for illusions and explosions sounds cool. I think it’s neat!
Nature Domain (PHB)

Bonus proficiencies: Heavy armor, one skill (choice of Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival).
Bonus cantrips: One Druid cantrip.
Domain spells by level:
- Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals
- Barkskin, Spike Growth
- Plant Growth, Wind Wall
- Dominate Beast, Grasping Vine
- Insect Plague, Tree Stride
Summary of domain features: Charm beasts and plants, react to give a creature resistance to elemental damage, gain bonus cold/fire/lightning damage to weapon attacks, command charmed animals and plants.
Notes: Thematically strong, but with circumstantial class abilities. Excellent for getting bonus cantrips and skills, and heavy armor proficiency.
Nature Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Circle of the Shepherd Druid (18) / Nature Cleric (2)
Druids have one of the best level-twenty features in the game, but we’ll ignore that for this combination. Channel Divinity: Charm Animals and Plants is a great ability for a Druid. You can literally make a swarm of animals or plants become your allies for one minute; what’s more druidic than that?
You also learn another Druid cantrip (perfect) and gain more boy-scout skills like Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival. This combination is solid if you want to give more features to your Druid that don’t involve infinite Wild Shape usage.
Beast Master Ranger (11) / Nature Cleric (9)
Another earthy multiclassing set. I don’t have the same disdain for the Beast Master Ranger as other players. The Nature Cleric’s bonus proficiencies are useful, and its level-six ability to grant elemental resistance as a reaction is premium for any party and for your partner beast. You can also charm many animals at once with Channel Divinity: Charm Animals, suiting the Beast Master Ranger part of the character.
The Nature Cleric’s domain spells are on-theme for Rangers as well. If you really want to share spells with your beast companion, go for 15 levels in Ranger, but you’ll be giving up other features of the Cleric that might be better anyway.
Circle of the Land Druid (14) / Nature Cleric (6)
You have mastered nature’s elements and are able to dull them to defend you or your allies, granting elemental resistance as a reaction. You also complement your plant-based powers with these two subclasses. This thematic duo could be fun for someone leaning heavily into the natural aspect of being a Druid.
Nature Cleric (17) / Celestial Warlock (3)
You are the animal whisperer because you gain a familiar from Pact of the Chain, at-will Speak with Animals with the Beast Speech invocation, and max healing in your familiar’s presence with the Gift of the Ever-Living Ones invocation. Flavor the Celestial Warlock like your pact is with an angel of Mother Earth.
Going for 17 levels in Nature Cleric will allow your Channel Divinity: Charm Animals to control the creatures you charm. It’s a cool combination that won’t be immediately obvious to the casual player, but it’s a fun option for those who want to interact with animals at will.
Nature Cleric (1) / Fey Wanderer Ranger (19)
Fantastic Wisdom synergy if you use Shillelagh. If you want to concentrate on an alternative to Hunter’s Mark, Bless or Divine Favor work great, especially if you’re attacking multiple targets in a single round. If you snag polearm master, you can rock a shield and still get three attacks regularly thanks to your bonus action pommel attack. Add in dueling style and you get really good damage output!
These two subclasses pair well with one another thematically as well. Rangers and Nature Clerics both focus on nature. Fey Wanderers are saturated in fey energy, connecting them to the land through strange or divine tethers.
Order Domain (TCoE)
Bonus proficiencies: Heavy armor, choice of Intimidation or Persuasion.
Bonus cantrips: NA
Domain spells by level:
- Command, Heroism
- Hold Person, Zone of Truth
- Mass Healing Word, Slow
- Compulsion, Locate Creature
- Communion, Dominate Person
Summary of domain features: Order an ally to attack when you cast a spell on them. Channel Divinity to basically tell a creature “Hands up! Drop your weapon!” while charming them. Cast an enchantment spell as a bonus action. Psychic damage added to attacks with Divine Strike, which later will curse a foe to take psychic damage from your ally’s attack.
Order Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Enchantment Wizard (14 or 19) / Order Cleric (1 or 6)
It’s no secret that I love the Enchantment Wizard, so I couldn’t help but notice the Order Cleric likes to use spells of the school of enchantment. At level one, you’ll gain heavy armor proficiency for your Wizard to be tanky, a skill proficiency in Persuasion or Intimidation, and you’ll gain an ability that enables your allies to attack a reaction. When you get to level ten as an Enchantment Wizard, you’ll be twinning spells you cast. Instead of one target for your enchantment spells, you’ll get two targets. If you need to cast Dominate Person on a foe, but you don’t have a second enemy target within range, you can actually cast it on your ally to harmlessly give them a reaction attack at that moment. Rogues pumping up their damage rolls once per turn with Sneak Attack will be especially grateful.
If you want to go to level six as an Order Cleric, you’ll be casting Enchantment spells as a bonus action. This isn’t super crucial for an Enchantment Wizard to utilize since cantrips and other actions aren’t super important. However, freeing up your action for other things like dashing or helping can be useful. Cleric spells are great to have even if you’re not investing much in your Wisdom score beyond a thirteen for multiclassing. I’d personally prefer to keep the multiclass as one level of Order Cleric so the Wizard can get Spell Mastery (which is especially fun for enchanters).
Battle Master Fighter (3) / Order Cleric (17)
This combination plays into the sheriff’s persona. Battle Maneuvers are excellent for giving orders to your deputies and forcing enemies to put their hands up and drop their weapons. Voice of Authority coupled with Commander’s Strike will allow two allies to attack as a reaction against the same foe. Disarming Attack can be used with melee or ranged attacks to make an enemy drop something they’re holding, such as a wand or weapon. You’re the law of the land, but you don’t act alone, and this combination demonstrates shows that fact. You’ll still get level-nine spells too. If it suits you, focusing on Fighter as the primary class would be great as well.
Clockwork Soul Sorcerer (19) / Order Cleric (1)
This is one of the most powerful spellcasting multiclass concepts I’ve ever seen. It rivals the potency of Wizards, and that’s a big statement. The Clockwork Soul Sorcerer is extremely powerful with its abilities and spell list. The Order Cleric’s Voice of Authority is helpful at all levels of play, meaning your ability to support and empower allies is incredible. You can heal, wear armor, and cast powerful spells with Metamagic boosts.
I credit Treantmonk for pointing out how strong this combination is. You can hear his full build for this combination on his YouTube channel, or browse the level-twenty character sheet on D&D Beyond. I recommend his video because I guarantee you’ll learn a thing or two.
Peace Domain (TCoE)
Bonus proficiencies: Choice of Insight, Persuasion, or Performance.
Bonus cantrips: NA
Domain spells by level:
- Heroism, Sanctuary
- Aid, Warding Bond
- Beacon of Hope, Sending
- Aura of Purity, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
- Greater Restoration, Rary’s Telepathic Bond
Summary of domain features: Create a bond with allies that empowers them while you are all near one another, including a non-concentration of the Bless spell once per turn, teleporting to take damage for each other, and eventually resisting the damage of the teleportation protection damage. Later, the area that this bond covers will increase. Cantrips deal more damage. Channel Divinity to move freely without provoking opportunity attacks as you heal those allies you pass by.
Peace Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Eloquence Bard (18-19) / Peace Cleric (1-2)
These two classes can lend tremendous support to allies at all levels, especially since the Peace Cleric’s Emboldening Bone scales with your Proficiency Bonus regardless of Cleric levels. You should only go for the second level in Peace Cleric if you really want the useful Channel Divinity option to move without provoking opportunity attacks while healing allies, but I’m not sure an Eloquence Bard has business being so close to everyone anyway. With this synergy, you’ll be dishing out Bardic Inspiration and setting up Emboldening Bond within the same turn to get the support going.
Alchemist Artificer (3) / Peace Cleric (17)
Create potions that grant 1d4, cast Bless to grant 1d4, and use your bond for another 1d4. You’re giving allies 3d4 to many of their rolls!
Tempest Domain (PHB)

Bonus proficiencies: Heavy armor, martial weapons
Bonus cantrips: NA.
Domain spells by level:
- Fog Cloud, Thunderwave
- Gust of Wind, Shatter
- Call Lightning, Sleet Storm
- Control Water, Ice Storm
- Destructive Wave, Insect Plague
Summary of domain features: React to deal lightning/thunder damage to attackers, max dice damage for instance of thunder/lightning damage, push creatures during lightning damage, gain bonus thunder damage to weapon attacks, fly while outside.
Notes: Strong choice for multiclassing due to useful early abilities and heavy armor proficiency. Thematic synergy with other class concepts.
Tempest Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Evocation Wizard (18) / Tempest Cleric (2)
The Evocation Wizard will have its own maxing damage methods, allowing for several options to maximize damage for stormy spells. The Tempest Cleric’s Channel Divinity will be another max-damage option. The Wizard can learn Lightning Bolt while the Tempest Cleric cannot, which is what the Tempest Cleric really needs if it’s going to deal major damage. The heavy armor is once again a big benefit to a squishy Wizard.
Order of Scribes Wizard (14-18) / Tempest Cleric (2-6)
Scribe Wizard will allow you to transform spells like Fireball to deal lightning damage. You can then use Channel Divinity to maximize the damage of a “Lightningball” spell (48 damage). You will be better protected from harm with heavy armor proficiency. Your stats will focus on Intelligence, with fifteen or thirteen for Strength (heavy armor requirement), at least fourteen for Constitution (hitpoints and concentration), and a minimum of thirteen for Wisdom (required for Cleric multiclassing).
If you want to gain six levels of Tempest Cleric, instead of the minimum two levels, you’ll be knocking enemies around with your stormy damage. A Wall of Fire spell can become a Wall of Lightning for the Scribe Wizard, meaning the wall will act as a cage match with an electrified cage. The aforementioned Lightningball will also knock enemies around like Thor arriving in Wakanda.
Storm Sorcerer (18) / Tempest Cleric (2)
This is mostly to follow the theme if you’re playing a Storm Sorcerer. This combination, on its own, will not get the same results as other possible combinations. The Storm Sorcerer is not on par with the other Sorcerous Origins from XGtE, but it’s an adequate subclass that follows the storm theme along with the Tempest Cleric. The Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath (not to be confused with the spell Destructive Wave) allows the character to deal maximum damage with a lightning or thunder spell when it matters most. Heavy armor will also help the character’s survivability.
D&D Optimized (now D4 Network) made a cool build with this concept using Chromatic Orb and crit fishing with Elven Accuracy. It’s not the same as this basic concept I have here, so I recommend his video if you’re interested (follow the link).
Thanks to Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Sorcerers gain the Transmuted Spell option for Metamagic. This enables the Tempest Cleric’s Channel Divinity to apply to spells like Fireball when transformed to deal lightning damage.
Tempest Cleric (18) / Paladin (2)
Your Tempest Cleric becomes a baller with Divine Smite. The character will fly outdoors without concentration once the Tempest Cleric reaches level 17, becoming a flying smiter to be feared. The Tempest Cleric will also be pushing creatures around the battlefield as an added effect of dealing lightning damage.
Trickery Domain (PHB)

Bonus proficiencies: NA.
Bonus cantrips: NA.
Domain spells by level:
- Charm Person, Disguise Self
- Mirror Image, Pass without Trace
- Blink, Dispel Magic
- Dimension Door, Polymorph
- Dominate Person, Modify Memory
Summary of domain features: Give someone advantage on stealth checks, create an illusory double of yourself to move around and act as a conduit to cast your spells, briefly become invisible, gain bonus poison damage to weapon attacks (or another damage type from Tasha’s new feature), create four duplicates instead of one.
Notes: Excellent domain spells that don’t require high Wisdom to be effective.
Trickery Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Shadow Sorcerer (12-19) / Trickery Cleric (1-8)
While the Trickery Cleric’s domain features are famously subpar, its domain spells are premium. Polymorph, Mirror Image, Dimension Door, and other domain spells are excellent. A Cleric that can cast Polymorph is always useful. And that’s not all; these domain spells don’t require investment in Wisdom, so the core class can focus on its own spellcasting modifier.
Polymorph does lose some edge in combat at higher levels, but it still makes a good spell for saving characters that are in danger. The Sorcerer’s Metamagic feature will enable you to twincast spells like Polymorph on several of your allies at once. Both classes are full spellcasters, so you won’t sacrifice spell slot progression. You just won’t have spells of 8th or 9th level.
Even though the Trickery Cleric doesn’t have heavy armor proficiency, it’ll still get medium armor and shield proficiencies so the character can armor up. I gave the level ranges in my recommendation because there is a multitude of pros and cons to weight based on what’s fun for you. Get Cleric to level 8 if you want the ASI, Divine Domain feature, and Destroy Undead increase to CR 1.
Otherwise, only go as far as sounds fun because otherwise, you’ll miss out on high-level sorcery and a greater supply of Sorcery Points. Don’t skip out on a Death Ward spell to stack up your survivability with Strength of the Grave.
Way of Shadow Monk (12) / Trickery Cleric (8)
Gain mobility as you flutter about swiftly, casting spells and spreading mayhem as you go. You can teleport through shadows, create duplicates of yourself, and Polymorph a friend. Wisdom is relevant to both core and secondary classes, so you could count on Trickery spells offensively too.
Have fun striking from the shadows as you misdirect and stun your opponents. Twelve levels in Monk will get you an upgraded d8 Martial Arts die. You can also gain advantage on attacks if your illusory double from Channel Divinity: Invoke Duplicity is adjacent to a melee combatant. The even 12/8 split of levels will allow you to not miss out on two Ability Score Improvements.
Illusionist Wizard (17-19) / Trickery Cleric (1-3)
Strap on your armor. It’s time to fake people out all the time to make them angry. Trickery Clerics get medium armor and shield proficiency, but an illusionist will prefer to stay out of harm’s way. Use your Channel Divinity: Invoke Duplicity as an ace up your sleeve for misleading your enemies (maybe even bait and fizzle out Counterspell from an enemy).
Blessing of the Trickster is handy for keeping yourself or an ally out of sight. Remain unnoticed while you sow illusions to turn the tides in your party’s favor. I provided a range to the level mix for my recommendation because of the pros and cons. Your choice will depend on your desires and at what level your adventure is set to end. I think an 18/2 mix is generally best.
Twilight Domain (TCoE)
Bonus proficiencies: Heavy armor, martial weapons, super darkvision.
Bonus cantrips: NA.
Domain spells by level:
- Faerie Fire, Sleep
- Moonbeam, See Invisibility
- Aura of Vitality, Leomund’s Tiny Hut
- Aura of Life, Greater Invisibility
- Circle of Power, Mislead
Summary of domain features: You have some of the best darkvision in the game, and you can share it with allies. Give someone advantage on the next Initiative roll. Create dim light around you that benefits allies with temporary hitpoints and charm/fright protection. Gain a fly speed, walking in dim light or darkness as if ascending stairs, like a mime. Divine Strike deals radiant damage with attacks. Half cover within your aura of dim light.
Note: This is one of the lords of multiclassing. You get insane value from just one level of investment. The Twilight Cleric rivals the Warlock’s Hexblade subclass for multiclassing temptation. I’ll offer a few recommendations that sound fun to me, but I won’t be able to scratch the surface of this subclass and its multiclassing power.
Twilight Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Scout Rogue (14 or 19) / Twilight Cleric (1 or 6)
As one of my favored subclasses, the Scout Rogue would be even more fun to play if it had the insane 300 feet of darkvision that the Twilight Cleric afforded. On top of that, if you go with the six levels of Cleric, you’ll get Steps of Night to gain flight while in darkness. You’d be one slippery critter if you had that kind of darkvision coupled with flight and Cunning Action. Vigilant Blessing makes your allies keen on an Initiative roll so they can keep up with you, or you can use it on yourself until level thirteen of Rogue to gain Ambush Master. The Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary feature would also be useful since you could use it to support allies without needing to concentrate or rely on a high DC.
Dreams Druid (14) / Twilight Cleric (6)
These two subclasses have the same type of theme, so their abilities go well together thematically. It would also be cool to Wild Shape while keeping your holy symbol around your neck so you can use Channel Divinity. You’d be a beast of shadow, like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. You could also use Steps of Night to fly in your beast forms, or just to float above enemies as you have Spirit Guardians or Call Lightning going.
Soulknife Rogue (14) / Twilight Cleric (6)
This combination allows you to invisibly fly without spells or concentration to do so, using Steps of Night and Psychic Veil. This combination can use the powerful Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary, allowing you to protect your allies’ minds and hitpoints as you invisibly float around with your dim sanctuary. I recommend narrating your psionic abilities as originating from your own presence between worlds, like a constant state of twilight causing you to have unnatural abilities.
Drakewarden Ranger (16) / Twilight Cleric (4)
If you don’t like the Goodberry/Life Cleric combo, Twilight Cleric is a strong option. You and your drake can gain super darkvision out to 300 feet, and you can give yourself advantage on Initiative checks. Your Channel Divinity at level two is seriously strong as a team support option, giving temporary hitpoints to you and nearby allies (drake included) each round. You also gain the option to use heavy armor if you want to invest in Strength. This can work well if you choose to be a melee ranger instead of the classic expert with a crossbow or longbow.
Undead Warlock (2) / Fey Wanderer Ranger (16) / Divine Soul Sorcerer (1) / Twilight Cleric (1)
I like this concept as a power build that plays into the fey trickster archetype. You’re slippery and efficient in and out of combat. The Fey Wanderer is a solid subclass to focus on. Rangers don’t get much above fifteenth level, freeing you up for multiclass dips for better features.
I recommend flavoring the Undead Warlock as if it’s a manifestation of your history as a pickled fey creature. You can also pretend it’s the Archfey Warlock Patron, but with a better level-one ability for your purposes. Form of Dread pairs well with your Fey Wanderer features involving fear. I’d describe the temporary hitpoints gained as a phasing effect as attacks phase through you until your temporary hitpoints deplete.
Twilight Cleric gives you a lot in one level, including enhanced darkvision and advantage on Initiative rolls. You can make use of the extra spells and spell slots, too. Twilight is a decent theme for this character, too.
Divine Soul Sorcerer will net you the Favored by the Gods feature to reinforce your saving throws. I’d treat this as a fey feature instead of a godly intervention.
Gloom Stalker Ranger (16) / Twilight Cleric (1) / Battle Master Fighter (3)
I consider this a power build. Gloom Stalker is already a solid subclass. It’s incredibly strong and easy to play. Battle Master Fighters will allow the Gloom Stalker to add more damage and additional effects to its attacks for more damage potential. Twilight Cleric enables the character with greater darkvision and advantage on Initiative rolls. Using Action Surge in the first round of combat to use the Attack action a second time will allow you to trigger Dread Ambusher a second time.
War Domain (PHB)

Bonus proficiencies: Heavy armor, martial weapons.
Bonus cantrips: NA.
Domain spells by level:
- Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
- Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon
- Crusader’s Mantle, Spirit Guardians
- Freedom of Movement, Stoneskin
- Flame Strike, Hold Monster
Summary of domain features: Get another attack as a bonus action, react to gift yourself and others +10 to hit on an attack, gain bonus weapon damage to attacks, resist mundane attack damage.
Notes: Getting a bonus action attack will greatly aid some classes that only get one or two attacks with the Attack action. Spirit Guardians is a strong domain spell, so going for level five at least is worth consideration. This domain also provides heavy armor and martial weapon proficiencies, which is premium for multiclassing.
War Domain – Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations
Path of the Zealot Barbarian (19) / War Cleric (1)
This flavor seems right. Your zealous drive for war cannot be quenched, and your god refuses to let you die. The War Priest feature allows you to make a few additional attacks as a bonus action in between rests, which is especially handy for a Barbarian that can Reckless Attack to gain advantage on attacks. Remember a Barbarian’s Rage loses much of its benefits if the Barbarian is wearing heavy armor (easy to forget).
Take the Great Weapon Master feat to really go nuts with your damage output. The level-twenty Barbarian feature is tough to skip, but this is an earlier build with immediate viability at low levels.
War Cleric (13-15) / Oath of Conquest Paladin (5-7)
It’s smiting time again, but this is one of the best Cleric Domains for it. War Clerics can make an additional attack as a bonus action. Get Extra Attack and an aura from the Paladin levels, and you’ll be set. The theme is strong as well.
Oath of Conquest Paladin (19) / War Cleric (1)
Reversing my previous recommendation’s core and secondary classes for low-level campaigns. It’s worth it to gain a bonus action to attack again. The one level of War Cleric pays dividends immediately. You could also include a level of Hexblade Warlock so your weapon attacks can be based on Charisma instead of Strength. You may not need this multiclass if you are already utilizing your bonus action.
College of Whispers Bard (14) / Hexblade Warlock (5) / War Cleric (1)
Making 2-3 attacks per round sounds nice, especially if Charisma can be used for the weapon attacks. Use Bardic Inspiration to deal extra psychic damage with your attacks. Heavy armor will be better than the usual Hexblade medium armor, plus you get a shield. Warlock features at level six aren’t worth it, but at level five you get the invocation for Pact of the Blade to essentially get Extra Attack.
Gloom Stalker Ranger (15) / War Cleric (5)
A steady dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords under the sun (paraphrasing some famous quote). Get five levels of War Cleric so you can get both Spiritual Weapon and Spirit Guardians. Gloom Stalkers don’t rely on stealth, so feel free to wear heavy armor. Both core and secondary classes have abilities that will allow for additional attacks beyond the Ranger’s Extra Attack feature. You could potentially take even more levels of War Cleric if you don’t care much for the level-fifteen Ranger subclass feature, Shadowy Dodge, but I like it.
Inquisitive Rogue (19) / War Cleric (1)
The greatest wars are won with mind games, and this character knows it. Investing in Wisdom will help the Inquisitive Rogue due to its reliance on perception and insight checks. You’ll be a Rogue that can use a shield and heavy armor, so what about the usual off-hand attack as a bonus action? You can still get attacks as bonus actions with the War Priest ability just in case you miss your main attack and want to get your Sneak Attack for the round. Clerics also get useful level-one spells to help out your party that higher leveled spellcasters won’t want to concentrate on, like Bless.
If you’re going to rely on stealth, consider ditching the heavy armor for light or medium armor; otherwise, keep it around. You’ll also be able to use a longbow since you’ll have martial weapon proficiency.
Clerics multiclassing is versatile, providing survivability and easy-to-use spells to just about any class. Confirm with your DM that your expectation for Cleric multiclassing character-level progression matches the DM’s campaign plans. You don’t want to plan for a level-twenty character when you’ll only reach level ten. Regardless, even just one level of Cleric gives so much that just about any Wizard could benefit from it, particularly for armor.
What Cleric multiclassing recommendations did you like? What are your favorite options for Cleric multiclassing? Comment below and I might add your own recommendations to the article.
Thanks for reading! Good luck with your Cleric multiclassing experience.
You can find more content on multiclassing in our other articles:
- Class Multiclassing Combinations (one of our most popular articles)
- Multiclass Builds for Seafaring Adventures
- Arcane Assassin Archer Multiclass
- Ranger Paladin Multiclassing
- Fighter Rogue Multiclassing
- Hexarcher
- Paladin Warlock Multiclassing
You can also find additional Cleric character ideas for D&D 5e from the Cleric Corner.
Is cleric light domain monk way of the elements a good multiclass?
Hi Jade,
I consider a concept to be a good multiclass if it sounds fun due to interesting combinations and lore, or if the classes synergize for powerful combinations of their abilities. Light Cleric/Elements Monk doesn’t strike me as either. Elements Monk is widely considered to be one of the least-popular subclasses in the game by the D&D community because it’s a concept everyone thinks is cool, but the game design is extremely weak. Light Cleric is a good subclass, but I think multiclassing it with Elements Monk would harm the character without adding anything narratively fun. Is there something about the combination that I’m missing? Thank you for your question. 🙂
I realise this hasn’t been updated for TCE yet – but Circle of Stars Druid combos extremely well with certain Cleric Subclasses. It gets access to most of its features at level 2 and peaks at level 15, so for most campaigns a Lv1 Cleric + LvX Stars Druid setup can be ridiculously good.
For damage output, my personal favourite is a Death Cleric (can cast 2x Toll the Dead / Chill Touch with their action) combining with the Druid’s Starry Form Arrow bonus action, whilst concentrating on something that doesn’t require an action every turn such as Conjure Animals.
Hi Maelwys, that sounds like a fun combination! I haven’t previously cared much for Cleric/Druid multiclass concepts due to Druids’ limitation on metal armor and the lack of versatility, but maybe TCoE combinations will change my mind once I’ve given them more thought.
I did update this article a few months ago with a few TCoE concepts for Peace, Twilight, and Order. I’m sure I’ll be shown more combinations as months roll by.
One I’d like to throw out is Nature Cleric 1, Fey Wanderer Ranger x. Fantastic wis synergy if you use shillelagh and bless or divine favor work better than hunters mark here since you want your attacks to hit multiple targets. If you snag polearm master, you can rock a shield and still get 3 attacks regularly. Add in dueling style and you get really good damage output!
Hi Case,
That’s a really good point. A Ranger using melee attacks would benefit greatly from Shillelagh. Hunter’s Mark would require too many bonus actions to switch targets, but Shillelagh is continuous after the initial bonus action to cast while using Wisdom for damage. I’ll have to add your idea to my suggestions in the article! The caveat would be that if gaining Shillelagh is the main goal, another option to get it would be the new Druidic Warrior Fighting Style for Rangers in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything since it allows a Ranger to learn two Druid cantrips. But I really like how using Shillelagh for a melee Ranger will open up choices for other concentration spells. Gaining heavy armor proficiency is incentive for a Strength-based Ranger with high Wisdom, which I appreciate. Besides, Hunter’s Mark could still be used if extra damage is needed in that way. Thanks, Case!
I’ve tried your Order of scribes 18/ Tempest 2, and i’d like to say that it works really well. if you take Meteor Swarm as a 9th level wizard spell, you can change the fire damage to lightning with Lightning Bolt(or Metamagic Adept feat from TCOE, wich i used btw), you could deal a minimum of 160 damage! and also, with the cleric multiclass, you can choose to prepare spells from lvl 1 to 9( but even with Wis 20, you could prepare only 7 cleric spells, even though, worth it) So i’m glad you pointed that one out for me Flutes.thanks again!
I’m so glad you tried it, Jake! It’s a fun combo with two solid subclasses.
I left you a reply on another comment about how multiclassing works with spellcasters and their spells known (p.164 PHB).
So, me again. if you multiclass just one lvl into wizard, you could add 9th lvl wizard spells to your spellbook, using your cleric spell slots. for a more divine feel, you could even get Wish! you could potentially get every wizard spell, with a lot of time, money and luck. you should invest a fair amount in int to milk really well this build. i used it, and i guarantee it works.
Hi Jake, thanks for all your comments and support recently!
I have some bummer news about multiclassing. Unfortunately, multiclassing to a spellcasting class doesn’t give you all their spells as you level up. You must meet the level requirement in that class to get their higher-level spells. Your spell slots benefit from the multiclassing, but the level of a spell learned/known is limited to a class level of a character and the class’s spell list (not total character level). You can review these rules on p.164 of the Player’s Handbook under the Spellcasting section for multiclassing. That would be pretty nuts to be able to get all Cleric spells with just a level of multiclassing at high levels! :O
what I meant was to put these spells in your spellbook as you find them in other spellbooks
From PHB, “You determine what spells you know and can prepare for each class individually, as if you were a single-classed member of that class.”
With only 1 wizard level, you can only learn, prepare or cast 1st level wizard spells. Your 19 levels of cleric would allow you to cast those 1st level wizard spells with a 9th-level slot, if you really wanted.
Yes, exactly. You gain high-level spell slots to empower spells with upcasting, but the Wizard can’t actually cast spells of higher levels unless the Wizard levels are high enough. In other words, the 1st-level Wizard could upcast Burning Hands to ninth level, but couldn’t cast Meteor Swarm (or even Shatter).
Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but the tempest’s divine strike is thunder, not lightning and doesn’t work with thunderbolt strike.
I found the sentence where I made this mistake and removed it. I believe I got the damage correct everywhere else. Thank you, Phillip!
I’m currently playing a level 3 Twilight Domain cleric and have plans to go upward of 3 to 6 levels in Celestial Warlock. I like the idea of having the extra d6 to spend for healing the party if they are down without needing to spend spell slots for it. Also the Pact of the Chain will be my pact boon, should I go that route, as I can take Gift of the Ever-Living One for keeping myself up should I need that. I play a healer who uses his medicine kits a lot and am trying to rely on spells less if I can. I plan to take the healer feat when I get the chance to take it as well as Skilled Expert with expertise in Medicine as well.
I appreciate it when players try to use non-magical healing, or at least healing that doesn’t rely on spell slots. I hope your DM is accommodating to a character using Medicine checks and healing kits.
I think a Dwarven Forge domain cleric/ fighter(battle master) is one that shouldn´t be overlooked, it makes for an awesome cleric that can defend the party.
A dwarf of this multiclass build with 15 str would(without magic items or spells) get this already at lvl 6:
fire resistance
poison resistance
plate armor(18 AC) +1 AC(lvl 6 forge) +1AC(blessing of the forge at least until you have +1 armor)
Shield(+2 AC)
Warhammer(dwarven combat training)
That is 22 raw AC and resistance to two damage types.
combined with the fighters abilities and ability score upgrades if you play with the optional feats rules you can enhance these defensive capabilities even further (Coming to that later).
Figher lvl 1 gives another +1AC(if you choose “Defense”) or you can choose “Protection”(which is even better for the team overall IMHO) to better protect your party members to save spell slots for healing or other protective spells.
Second wind gives you another option to save a healing spell slot.
Action surge gives you an extra action, which is great for bad situations at later levels where you really would need 2 actions, e.g: cast beacon of hope + mass healing wordmass cure wounds in the same round, or why not just any other occasion where you would need 2 actions, which can be a game changer when playing healer.
Choosing Battle Master Fighter, you can further make your life as protector and healer easier by choosing the right maneuvers:
“Bait and Switch”: Can save a teammates life, while moving them into a safer position and also giving them a higher AC, or in some cases even getting them entirely into safety for healing while boosting your own AC.
“Goading Attack”: Where Bait and switch is a “protect one friend”, Goading attack is a “protect them all”
“Evasive Footwork”: If you find yourself in a position where you really need to get to a party member for any reason, you can boost your AC to avoid attacks of opportunity.
Now for the optional rule of feats(instead of raising ability score), this build with 6 points fighter gives you several chances to choose feats and will still leave room for ability score raises:
If you play lvl 8 cleric/lvl 6 fighter, already by lvl 14 you will have 4 the option of ability score or feats, which is great for this build as feats greatly enhances this build in particular, depending on how you wish to play, these are of course very much up to choice, these would be my preferred ones for the build:
Feat – Alert: +5 initiative is awesome since in many occasions you could´ve given one of your livers to be able to heal just before another character. Also as a tank, you are protected against sneak attacks.
Feat – Shield Master: Can shove enemies away from a party member that is in trouble, then move to take a position to defend them. Also gives you huge protection against damaging area spells.
Feat – Tough: Quite a bit of extra hp, much needed for this build as you are in the midst of possible harm as a healer.
Feat – Lucky: Just amazing, Force hard foes to reroll their attacks against you 3 times/long rest.
Thank you, Mikael! That’s an extremely thorough summary, and I like the concept. I will add the multiclass idea to the article!
Sorry, meant to write beacon of hope + mass cure wounds, accidentally left the “mass healing word” there before changing to mass cure wounds 🙂
Hi Flutes,
Thank you so much for this article. It was definitely the most clarifying but creative one I’ve seen about Cleric multiclassing. The twilight druid/cleric was really intriguing! I was curious if you had any thoughts about what would be a good match for a Circle of the Moon Druid. It would make sense because of the campaign plot to dip my level 14 Druid into Cleric, but I’m not sure if the pay off would be worth it.
Hi Gren! Thank you for the kind words.
Before multiclassing your Druid, make sure you’re not looking forward to the excellent Druid capstone ability at level 20 (unlimited Wild Shape uses), especially as a Moon Druid that can become bigger beasts and elementals. If you’re ok with that, we can have fun multiclassing.
The Cleric subclasses that stick out to me for a one-level dip would be Life and Nature. Life allows you to get super Goodberry since each berry will heal more than just one hitpoint (this is confirmed by WotC, surprisingly). Nature is mostly a thematic choice, but it gets you another Druid cantrip and a skill. You’ll also always have a few beast spells prepared with Nature. The Order Cleric would also be a fun choice since you’d gain Bless and could cast it on your allies in battle before you Wild Shape as your bonus action, allowing one ally to make an attack with their reaction to the Bless spell + Voice of Authority. You get a Charisma skill proficiency, too.
I hope that helps! Again, make sure you’re ok with missing level twenty as a Druid (or confirm your DM will let you go above level twenty).
what world be a good barbarian subclass to pair with twilight domain
Totem or Ancestral Guardian would use the temporary hitpoints from Twilight well.
Which battle maneuvers would fit the battle master/forge domain?
If mostly Cleric, any maneuvers that based on defense or control.
If mostly Fighter, any maneuvers that enhance attacks in useful ways.
would Light Domain Cleric and College of Creation Bard be a good multiclass?
I don’t see mechanical synergy there. I’d prefer to pick one or the other. What about that combination draws you?
I’m trying to a lighter warrior and I love the light cleric and I really what to try it with multiclassing with bard, but I’m not sure on the subclass
Right on. It’s not a power build, so you really can do whatever sounds fun. Maybe you could pick the Glamour Bard so you can use light to enthrall people as you perform. I am picturing Dazzler from X-Men.
cool, now for something that I’m not good at, how should i distribute the levels?
If it’s up to me, go for 17 Light Cleric and 3 Glamour Bard. Add more Bard levels if you want more Glamour subclass features.
What build would you suggest for a warrior nun, using aasimar for the race, was imagining a secret bodyguard for a huge religious figure
Sounds like a fun War Cleric or Order Cleric.